Plasal aumentará el 80% de su capacidad con la creación de un nuevo almacén

Plasal to increase 80% of its capacity with the creation of a new warehouse

  • Post category:News

At Plasal we are in a process of expansion and growth that began in 2018 with the generational changeover of the company.

Currently under construction is a new warehouse of 1,020 m2 that will allow us to increase our current storage capacity by 80%. Once the building permits were granted, work began in February. The project is in its final phase and is being carried out by the industrial and building company Metalhergos S.L.

At Plasal we are committed to the latest technology in our creation processes to be more efficient and sustainable. The new warehouse will have a digitized stock management system and integrated into the current real-time control system.



This new expansion is in addition to the facilities we already have, such as the plant inaugurated in 2018 which houses the headquarters of 500 m2. The industrial plant has more than 4,800 m2 distributed between the warehouse area and the production area. The offices house the administration, finance, quality, design and product development departments.

The new plant doubled the production capacity and all production lines were renewed with state-of-the-art technology in order to adapt to the needs of the sector. The machining and transformation processes, duly linked, allow us to produce very complex parts with a wide range of applications.

The strong entry into the food processing sector automotive permitió que Plasal diera un salto cualitativo muy importante. La protección de piezas delicadas y su automatización en la cadena de montaje son aspectos claves en este sector. En Plasal ofrecemos soluciones de embalaje de máxima precisión, apilamiento, diseño funcional y durabilidad. Lentes, sensores, PCB’s, antenas, componentes eléctricos y válvulas se transportan en un packaging customizado según los requerimientos de los clientes. La calidad es un pilar fundamental en los productos.